SoLIFE - School For Life

This Comenius multilateral school project called "School for Life" – SoLIFE and develops in 2010-2012.


School Visit

Civic Action Projects

How to organize a festival


 Free topic









EN  This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

ES   El presente proyecto ha sido financiado con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea.

Esta publicación (comunicación) es responsabilidad exclusiva de su autor. La Comisión no es responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.

PL   Ten projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej.

Projekt lub publikacja odzwierciedlają jedynie stanowisko ich autora i Komisja Europejska nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za umieszczoną   w nich zawartość merytoryczną.

PT   Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia.

A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela utilização que dela  possa ser feita.

RO   Acest proiect a fost finanţat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene.

Această publicaţie (comunicare) reflectă numai punctul de vedere al autorului şi Comisia nu este responsabilă pentru eventuala utilizare a informaţiilor pe care le conţine.

Comenius multilateral school project


SoLIFE Project promotes learning foreign languages (English, French) students in organizing some public events like a school visit, a civic action in the community, European Languages Day, an event at students’ proposal and a European symposium.

Teachers compared the curriculum of their countries, identifying common or different contents according to the public events         previously set. They have elaborated transdisciplinary projects for each event in mixed teams - students / teachers. English, Civics,      Geography, Arts, Technology lessons and extra-curricular activities took place in order to implement the projects. 

After the finalization of each project a guide of the Public Event was elaborated and then translated into English using the common structure: before, during and after the event.

All the teachers that applied the active and interactive methods had a new vision of the lesson (lessons based on Remembering - Realizing - Reflection) proposed learning tasks implying learning through cooperation, highlighting the multiple intelligence and        developing students self-esteem, implying resources such as people from the local community (parents, authorities).



Why learning English / French through organizing public events?



· developing the proposed activities in the classroom (English / French lessons, Technology, Civic Education, Arts, etc) and outside the classroom or school (extracurricular activities) has as target a high degree of socializing of the students;

· the formal curriculum is relevant by inserting behavioural - attitudinal information / acquisitions which have resource in the informal curriculum;

· we assure active learning based on the needs and the interests of the students connected with the real life of the students;

· we develop problem solving abilities by integrating in the classes real life situations, initiative spirit, leadership and cooperation abilities;

· we create opportunities of active involvement of the students in school life and local community;

· we value students’ life experience, we develop their self esteem.